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Quarterly Investor Podcasts.

Investor Relations

Episode 6 - BrainChip Investor Podcast Q2 2024

In the latest episode of BrainChip's Quarterly Investor Podcast, CEO Sean Hehir discusses recent company developments, including a recap of the Annual General Meeting, updates on the new executive management and Scientific Advisory Board members, and the additional funding raised. The podcast also highlights the company's focus on advancing Akida 2.0 and TENNs technologies. Tune in for an in-depth discussion on BrainChip's progress and future direction.

Episode 5 – BrainChip Investor Podcast Q1 2024

Explore the latest insights into BrainChip's developments and initiatives in the Quarterly Investor Podcast Episode 5. Join CEO Sean Hehir as he discusses shareholder-focused topics such as the Akida™ SpaceTech launch milestone, Embedded World Conference recap, Akida Edge AI Box update, and insights into proxy advisors, put option agreements, and investor engagement. Tune in for an informative discussion on BrainChip's progress and shareholder interests.

February 27, 2024 Virtual Investor Podcast

In this Investor Podcast, BrainChip CEO Sean Hehir provides an update to shareholders and potential investors on the execution of the company’s commercial strategy, the recent CES2024 event in Las Vegas, where BrainChip demonstrated some of its next-generation neuromorphic technology products. The podcast introduces newly appointed CTO Dr. Tony Lewis, and includes a discussion of upcoming neuromorphic product rollouts, and respond to questions from shareholders.

Episode 4 – BrainChip Investor Podcast Q4 2023

In this fourth episode of BrainChip’s Quarterly Investor Podcast, CEO Sean Hehir answers questions from BrainChip’s investors and potential investors, as well as provides highlights from CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2024, recaps many of the successes of the company in 2023 and shares exciting activities and events coming this year.‍

Episode 3 – BrainChip Investor Podcast Q3 2023

In the latest episode of our investor podcast, BrainChip CEO Sean Hehir tackles questions from investors with Tony Dawe, Director of Global Investor Relations for BrainChip. Tune in to hear BrainChip’s strategic direction, investment, execution, and progress that also addresses questions close to investor’s hearts, about the stock price, transparent communications and more.‍

Episode 2 – BrainChip Investor Podcast Q2 2023 (Part 2)

Part 2 covers Viana’s responses about the transition from and R&D company developing chips to an AI chip design company licensing IP, share price, the product roadmap, market prospects, and much more.

Episode 2 – BrainChip Investor Podcast Q2 2023 (Part 1)

BrainChip Board Chair Antonio J. Viana responded to investor-submitted questions in our Q2 investor podcast hosted by Director of Global Investor Relations Tony Dawe. In Part 1, Viana gave his frank views on such hot-button topics as global reporting and ESG considerations, changes in remuneration and stock compensation since the AGM, execution of the commercialization strategy for the Akida™ platform and the state of the global AI sector and its impact on BrainChip customers.

Quarterly Investor Podcast - Q1 April 2023

In this inaugural episode, BrainChip’s CEO Sean Hehir and Director of Global Investor Relations Tony Dawe original Akida, the 2nd Generation platform,  the company's business model and engagement cycle, and what investors stand to gain as part of the BrainChip ecosystem.‍

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